Monday, June 20, 2011

Meh.. Some People.

Rant on idiot pet owners.

Normally I don't rant, but it is driving me up the wall.

I have experienced way too many people lately that should definitely not be allowed the pleasure of having pets. Let me give you an example.

A little background on the situation:  Being a member of a pet (mostly rat based) community brings a lot of new people. Those who have animals they purchased from pet stores on a whim and have no idea how to care for them. Others who "want" to get a pet but obviously can't take care of the ones they have.

I DO NOT have patience for idiots, no matter how hard I try.

I have no problems with newbies. I appreciate when new or those who are wanting to get a pet inquire about care and what not about them. What I do not appreciate is:

"Hi! I'm new and I just got a rat at this pet store. I need you guys to tell me everything about them!"

Say what? Excuse me, people there is such a thing as a 1) Search bar on the forum or 2) Google. Do they attempt to do any research what so ever, nope. They expect us to do it all for them. Then when you give them information they disregard it. It makes no sense.

My ALL TIME favorite.

I don't believe in spaying or neutering any of my pets unless it is medically necessary. How about you go and visit a shelter, pick one any one. Let those faces tell you why it is NECESSARY to neuter and/or spay your pet. Many of us take in fosters from rescues, have animals from members who had to rehome a pet because they could no longer care for them, and don't even get me started on the "oops" litters. People think that it is fun and magical to witness animal birth. So they breed their pet store rat, a rat can have up to 15 babies sometimes more. Rehoming one rat is hard enough let alone 15. However I am so glad you got to witness the magic of birth. Now how are you going to care for all these rats? Oh you have no idea, her just push them onto others or better yet put them in a purse and leave them in a PetSmart bathroom.

I understand people do make mistakes and things in life interfere. That isn't what bothers me. It's those who chose not to listen and keep making the same mistakes over and over again. Then when we call these people out on their mistakes after we have helped them clean them up they think we are "attacking" them. That is just plain nonsense. Most of these individuals don't want to accept the responsibility of their actions. It floors me. 

We have had some real doozies lately. Some of these people have actually been added the the Do Not Adopt list. Which is pretty sad. I have quite a few times lately literally wanted to just beat my head on my desk. These people can't really be that ignorant can they? I suppose they can. We do get those that want help and actually ask specific questions about things. There are a lot of knowledgeable people on the forum and combined we know a great deal about rats and other pets. I am glad that people come to us for help and want to better the lives of their pets. These people are welcomed openly.

It just has really gotten under my skin lately with this influx of idiots.

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