Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Tilty Rat

Titly Rat aka Tazo.

Symptoms: Unbalanced gait, circling, uncoordinated, and trouble grasping objects.
Possible issue: Inner Ear Infection

It all started with me seeing her fall off the shelf in the Critter Nation (CN) into the litter box and stumble out of the litter box smashing her face into the bottom pan.  So of course off to Dr. McKinnis we go. Dr. McKinnis works out of South Seminole Animal Hospital located in Fern Park, FL. I have been through many many veterinarians before I could actually find one that:

1) I trusted 
2) Would actually listen 
3) Had a vast experience with rats
These types of veterinarians are extremely far and few between, so if you find one keep them and don't let go. Seriously, don't let go. 

Back on point. I took Tazo in to see Dr. M (as most of us call him), he did a thorough examination of her. Firstly, rats as a general rule are hard to diagnose. There are so many different types of health issues that have a lot of the same symptoms, so sometimes you have to start and one end and work towards the other. I of course suspected an inner ear infection, but Dr. M didn't really see any indication that it was this so we move on to the next closest thing. Meningitis. 

Meningitis is a bacterial infection that affects the membranes surrounding the brain and spinal cord. I was shocked to think that this was the issue but she had all the symptoms, so we went with it.  Tazo received and injection of steroids and we were sent home with some antibiotics and oral steroids. i was to call Dr. M in the next few days and give an update on Tazo's progress. 

So we did the antibiotic rounds and the steroids, Tazo was getting better her balance was back and she was circling anymore. Everything seemed to be back to normal and this was the update that I gave    Dr. M.  It has been approximately 3 weeks since the initial fall and everything was going fantastic. Until Monday morning. I was doing my normal routine, cleaning the cage and feeding the kids when I saw Tazo and her tilty head. 

Tilting of the head is an indication of an inner ear infection in rats.  BACK to SQUARE ONE!

What a great day to have an issue Tazo, Monday a holiday no Dr. M. So of course I was a panicked mess all day long pacing around the house wishing I had some Baytril in the refrigerator. Of course I didn't. First thing the next morning there is a call into Dr. M, he is in with a patient but the tech will get a message to him. 

I am so thankful for Dr. M, if he knows you pretty well and has confidence in you then usually if he has seen your rats at some point he will just get you some antibiotics made up without you having to bring your rat in for the visit. Which is what he does for me, unless it is an emergency. So poor little Tilty Tazo is on Synotic with Baytril in ear drop formula twice a day for a week. I hope this kicks the nasty bacteria so my girl can go back to her old self again.

Tilty Tazo

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